Meet The Team - Gaëtan Marti
Meet the Team Meet the talented and motivated people behind Immensive and learn more about who we are. Meet Gaëtan Marti Today, we…
CULTURA SUISSE At Cultura Suisse 2022, we showcased our passion for the fusion of technology and culture. Discover more about our…
Meet The Team - David
Meet the Team Meet the talented and motivated people behind Immensive and learn more about who we are. Meet David Bugat Today, we…
ARTMYN: Museums and the Rise of New Interactive Solutions
Museums and the Rise of New Interactive Solutions
Feature: USB Content Browser
USB Content Browser USB Content Browser – Anything to add? While your application can be updated at any time through the online…
Feature: NFC Tag Reader
NFC Tag Reader NFC Tag Reader – Bridging digital content and physical objects. Communicating through a digital screen is…
Feature: Filter Module
Filter Module Too much information can quickly become a mess! While the PopupExperience provides a fluid and easy to use in depth…