Museum Laufental – «Der Archivar»

Client: Museum Laufental
Introduction: Q1 2024
Main Deliverables: Multi-Touch Hardware, Multi-Touch Application, Content Management System
Project Management: Paolo Mira, Gaël Bourgeois Immensive SA
In Collaboration with:
  • Museum Laufental: Lilli Kuonen, Christoph Sütterlin
Digital Agency: Firefly Digital Media – Eugenio Garcia
Scenography: Kandis Fotografie – Anita Gerster
  • Interaction Design: Taktwerk – Cedric Steiner
Links: TV Plus, WochenBlatt, Museum Laufental

Amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, when museums were shuttered, the Museum Laufental embarked on a transformative journey to bring its cultural treasures to the people. Led by museum director Lilli Kuonen, the museum sought to engage audiences interactively with its vast image archive, old documents, and magazines.

The Plan

Teaming up with Immensive, the Museum Laufental embraced digital transformation with the acquisition of two innovative multi-touch screens. These screens not only revolutionized exhibition design within the museum but also extended the reach of exhibits beyond its walls. One screen, housed in a flight case, is portable, enabling presentations at retirement homes, trade shows, and community meetings.

Challenges and Solutions

Bridging the gap between digital natives and seniors posed a unique challenge. Scenographers Anita Gerster and Cedric Steiner crafted a minimalist design for the application, focusing on the images’ presentation. To encourage interaction, the design mimicked the physical act of flipping through photo albums.

Phygital Implementation

The design and scenography are seamlessly integrated using PopupExperience. The application’s unique design allows for intuitive manipulation of images, fostering controlled chaos akin to physical interactions.

Facilitating Dialogue

To capture stories associated with the images, notebooks and a chalkboard were provided in the museum. Visitors could record memories alongside image numbers, fostering an ongoing dialogue with exhibition staff.


This project exemplifies how technology can enhance dialogue and inclusivity without overshadowing the museum experience. The Museum Laufental’s digital transformation marks a significant milestone, making its collection more accessible and mobile. Immensive applauds the Museum Laufental’s innovative initiative, paving the way for a new era in museum engagement.

Congratulations to Museum Laufental on this groundbreaking initiative!

«The regional Museum Laufental has an exhibition space of 320m2. Unfortunately, only the ground floor is barrier-free. The acquisition and installation of two Multi Touch Screens from Immensive mark a significant milestone for the Museum Laufental, opening up exciting possibilities to present our exhibitions in a contemporary manner. The touch screens are portable and can therefore also be used in other locations and institutions.»

Museum Laufental

Lilli Kuonen
President of Museum Laufental

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