Zühlke – Interactive Project Showcase

Client: Zühlke Engineering AG
Introduction: Q3 2021
Main Deliverables: Multi-Touch Hardware, Multi-Touch Application, NFC Module, Content Management System
Project Management: Beat Brühwiler, Immensive SA
In Collaboration with: Daniele Pala, PI ID AG

As the oldest Zühlke location, Zurich stands out with its new office located in the JED area in Schlieren. Within the entrance area of this absolutely stunning new office space, Zühlke put in place an inspirational corner that showcases some of its most prominent projects.

Immensive was mandated by Zühlke to create a truly immersive solution within that space that provides effortless and quick access to detailed information on any given project. In collaboration with PI ID AG, our high-resolution 55”-inch multi-touch device atracTouch2 was perfectly integrated in a central-piece furniture.

The multi-touch application PopupExperience was designed in collaboration with the client and the result is a pixel-perfect interface that fully captures the visual language of the brand. The content is fully managed on the client side and offers highest flexibility while assuring that the application itself remains easy to use at all times.

The most prominent feature of the proposed solution is that any physical object can be effortlessly linked to digital content. By the means of our NFC Module, one can simply place an object next to the touchscreen to access plenty of additional information. The perfect presentation tool for sales-, onboarding-, and creative meetings!

Mathias Haller

Head of Marketing & Communications

“Seit gestern ist der atracTouch2 bei uns in Betrieb inkl. Verkleidung, integriertem NFC und automatischer Dimmung der Deckenleuchten. Wir sind sehr zufrieden mit der fertigen Lösung als gesamtheitliches Konzept und danken dem ganzen Team von Immensive abermals herzlich!”

In collaboration with creative agency:

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