ASTRA Infocenter

Client: Bundesamt für Strassen ASTRA
Introduction: Q3 2021
Main Deliverables: Multi-Touch Hardware, Multi-Language Multi-Touch Application, Games: Multi-Player Quiz and Memory Game, Live Web Image Slide Show, Content Management System
Project Management: Paolo Mira, Immensive SA
In Collaboration with: CRK Kommunikations AG
Links: Press Release Inauguration, Official Site ASTRA

On August 1st 2021, the Swiss Federal Roads Office FEDRO (DE: Bundesamt für Strassen ASTRA / FR: Office fédéral des routes OFROU / IT: Ufficio federale delle strade USTRA) inaugurated two public information centers for the second tunnel of San Gottardo.

The museum-like exhibitions in Göschenen and Airolo offer exciting insights into the project and the construction work. Both physical models and several multi-touch devices give access to a lot of background information on involved people, technology, and the environment. Youngsters as well as adult visitors can find plenty of interesting things to discover!

In collaboration with CRK Kommunikations AG, Immensive delivered an interactive solution that brings together all the different exhibition themes in one place. The multi-touch application PopupExperience gives immediate access to a vast diversity of content. The multi-language module allows to instantly change the complete interface at any time to one of four languages (DE, FR, IT, EN) to accommodate the local- and international audience.

  • Entertainment combined with knowledge transfer with our Multiplayer Quiz.
  • Quick access to all relevant informations which is especially appreciated by the exhibition guides.
  • Thanks to our Content Management System, the client can easily update the application with new media content at any time.
  • The application runs on a Multi-Touch 55-inch UHD Device that recognises 40 simultaneous touchpoints for true multi-user interactivity!

Eugenio Sapia
Pressesprecher ASTRA

“Vielen Dank für die gelungene Realisierung! Mit der interaktiven Lösung haben wir eine tolle Möglichkeit alle Leute ob jung oder alt, im Beruf oder Freizeit zu informieren und für dieses grosse Bauwerk zu begeistern.”

In collaboration with communication agency:
CRK Kommunikations AG

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