Forward EPFL 2019

Atracsys PopupExperience App Forward EPFL 2019
Forward EPFL
February 7, 2019, Swiss Convention Center, Lausanne

For its 2nd edition, FORWARD – the Innovation Forum for SMEs – was back at the SwissTech Convention Center on February 7, 2019.
With nearly 1’000 participants during the first edition and simultaneous French-German translation, this event intended to be the national meeting point for SME innovation projects.

This was an ideal opportunity for the EPFL community to interact with SMEs and better understand their goals and challenges in terms of innovation.

Emphasis was placed on experience sharing and the initiation of collaborative innovation opportunities.

Due to the very complete program, Immensive was mandated to provide a multitouch kiosk.

This kiosk, seen as an interactive digital signage, helped attendees to know the global agenda of the day, learn more about speakers and thematics.

In collaboration with partner design agency:

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