Meet the Team

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Meet Daniel Chappuis

Today, we would like to introduce to you, Daniel Chappuis, Senior Software Engineer.

Daniel Chapuis Atracsys Interactive

Daniel Chappuis

Senior Software Engineer

Daniel, tell us a bit more about yourself!

Originally from Neuchâtel, I graduated from EPFL with a Masters degree in Computer Science and a specialization in Computer Graphics. During my studies, I had the opportunity to work on several projects related to realistic real-time 3D rendering.
I am passionate about software engineering and I also participated in open-source projects mainly working on physically-based animation software.

After my studies, I joined a startup for 3 years, working on a 3D facial surgery simulator for patients. Then, I heard of an available position in 2014 at Atracsys Interactive (now Immensive), and here I am since.

What is your role within Immensive?

I spend most of my time working on custom projects for our clients and on the code base of our internal framework library. I also take part in some R&D projects for the company which is a great opportunity.
I am also responsible for the setup/maintenance of the IT company in order to make sure our internal services are always available for our team and clients.

What project was the most significant for you?

Cobalt Project for sure!
Even if I have worked on multiple interesting projects at Immensive, this paintball game was a real new engineering adventure!

Cobalt Project Atracsys Interactive

Can you explain a bit more the project?

Players participate in a paintball game with mobile devices they use to interact between each other in their own team. The headquarters of each team contains a large multi-touch screen that displays the positions of the players on the field in real-time during the game. This project really is a good memory: it was very different from most of our other digital projects and it involved several technologies.

Working on mobile user interface, on network communication and on the implementation of the game server responsible for the whole game logic, is a dream for an engineer like me! We also had challenges, the biggest one was the network communication in real-time between all player devices and the interfaces.

Another one was to develop a robust and stable system. At this time, dozens of players are using it every day which is a flattering tribute to our work.